Current Graduate Students
Tony Massaro (EEB)
Cooperation and competition in chimpanzees
Elihuruma Wilson (EEB)
Regeneration of forest in Village Land Forest Reserves
Maud Mouginot (Anthropology)
Male bonobo reproductive strategies
Visiting Scholars
Nicole Simmons, Makerere University
Recent Graduates
Nisarg Desai (Anthropology)
Dissertation: “Exploring the form and functions of chimpanzee pant-hoots from basic evolutionary principles.”
PhD: 2022
Carrie Miller (Anthropology)
Dissertation: “Does Paternity Certainty Elicit Protection and Support of Offspring by Male Gelada Monkeys (Theropithecus gelada)?”
PhD: 2021
Kristy Crouse (Anthropology)
“B3GET: A new computational approach for understanding
and exploring ecology, evolution, and behavior”
PhD: 2021
Rebecca Slepkov Nockerts (Anthropology)
Dissertation: “Stable isotope ecology of Gombe National Park:
A modern analogue for fossil hominins”
PhD: 2019
Andrea Bailey (EEB)
PhD: 2015
Dissertation: “Conspecific aggression as a reproductive constraint and the value of kin in olive baboons, Papio anubis“
Bailey, A., Eberly, L. E., & Packer, C. (2015). Does pregnancy coloration reduce female conspecific aggression in the presence of maternal kin?. Animal behaviour, 108, 199-206.
Lisa O’Bryan (EEB)
PhD: 2015
Dissertation: “The socioecology of chimpanzee foraging and food-associated calling behavior”

Current position: Junior Fellow, Rice University
Laura Hauff (Anthropology)
PhD: 2011
Current position: Resident, Internal Medicine, Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Dissertation: “Biological and social factors associated with reduced lactation duration in overweight women”

Deus Mjungu (EEB)
PhD: 2010
Dissertation: “Dynamics of intergroup competition in two neighboring chimpanzee communities” get pdf
Current position: Director of Chimpanzee Research, Gombe Stream Research Centre, the Jane Goodall Institute – Tanzania
Claire Kirchhoff (Anthropology)
PhD: 2010
Dissertation: “From birth to bones: Skeletal evidence for health, disease, and injury in the Gombe chimpanzees”
Current position: Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Marquette University