Reviews etc.

Wilson, M. L. 2021.Book review: Chimpanzee: Lessons from our Sister SpeciesThe Quarterly Review of Biology 96(3): 215–216.

Wilson, M. L. 2020. Book review: Why Chimpanzees Can’t Learn Language and Only Humans CanThe Quarterly Review of Biology 95: 155-156.

Wilson, M. .L., and C. Lehman. 2019. Humans: Uniquely responsible for causing conservation problems, uniquely capable of solving them. Animal Sentience 23(19). get pdf

Wilson, M. L.  2018. Sexual selection explains much in human evolution, but probably not bipedalism. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 11. get pdf

Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research (book review). Wilson, M. L. (2018). The Quarterly Review of Biology 93(2):174-175 get pdf

Wilson, M. L. (2017). Demonic Male Theory. International Encyclopedia of Primatology. A. Fuentes, M. Bezanson, C. J. Campbell et al., Wiley.

Zuk, M. and M. L. Wilson (2015). Why humans prevail. The Chronicle of Higher Educationget pdf

Wilson, M. L. (2013). Chimpanzees: alien minds or kindred spirits? Evolutionary Anthropology 22:154-156. get pdf

Wilson, M. L. (2010). Celebrating 50 years of chimpanzee research at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Pan Africa Newsget pdf

Wilson, M. L. (1997). Great Ape Societies. (Book review). Endeavour. 21: (1): 47. (Mistakenly attributed to Margo Wilson; correction in Endeavour. 22: (1))

thoughts on primates, people, and evolution